Catnip tea Health Benefits

Cats Can Drink Catnip Tea… Catnip tea has been used to treat a whole range of health problems — from colicky babies to indigestion to sore throats to headaches to anxiety.

Like many herbal teas, sipping catnip tea can be an excellent way to relax at the end of the day— especially since catnip is thought to help with insomnia. Like most herbs, there aren’t many scientific studies on catnip, so even though it doesn’t seem to have many known side effects– talk with your doctor before drinking catnip tea medicinally or if you’re pregnant.

Store in a covered container in the refrigerator for a week or in the freezer for up to three months. Make a batch, cheaper than store-bought. Made into a tea, catnip has calming properties similar to chamomile. Stir in yoghurt, egg, honey, and vegetable oil. *live plant (wheatgrass or catnip) *dried catnip *burlap *teacup with saucer *hot glue and glue gun *twine *scissors *sharpie oil paint marker (optional) how to make the catnip teabags: for each catnip teabag that you want to make (i recommend making 2-4 per cat) you’ll need to: cut 2 teabags sized rectangles out of burlap. ***** spray bottles. What you need for your homemade catnip spray. See more ideas about cats, alley cat, crazy cats.

catnip tea recipe for cats

Where to Buy Catnip

Look in your local plant nursery or garden centre– I’ve seen it year after year at lowes and home depot. It’s usually sold right next to the other mints. If you prefer, you can also buy catnip seeds online. Make sure to plant catnip in a container— just like other mint plants, it can be invasive.

Catnip, or catmint as it is sometimes referred to, has been around forever. Cat owners are aware of catnip because of the effect it has on their feline friends, but the catnip plant has a long and varied history throughout the ages. Nepeta catataria is a member of the mint family (hence the name ‘catmint’). It’s a perennial plant native to europe, africa and asia, but in recent times, thanks to its popularity amongst humans and felines, catnip has been exported all over the world and now grows pretty much everywhere. We no longer have to go looking outdoors for catnip. Instead, we can buy it fresh or dried, as seeds and seedlings, for indoor or outdoor cultivation. So where does catnip originate from?.

How to Make Catnip Tea

This quick and easy herbal catnip tea can be made with either fresh or dried catnip and is a delicious way to use this fast-growing type of mint. My cat wally loves catnip. Adores it. And so, as i was wandering up and down the aisles in my local garden centre, I decided to do something nice for the furry fella’. I bought him a plant. You guessed it– a catnip plant!
my little wally spent a few minutes entranced by the herb, before eventually forgetting it existed.

Sometimes he does get excited again– for a moment or two– when I pick him up and remind him that the catnip is still there, waiting for him to enjoy it. As the weeks passed, the catnip plant continued to grow bigger and bigger, and i knew it needed to be cut back before it engulfed my container garden. If you also planted catnip this year, or if this perennial herb returns to your garden or property year after year– trim it back and turn it into catnip tea!.

Catnip Tea: Herbal Tea to Drink With Your Cat

There are few things better than sitting down with a hot cup of tea and a cat on your lap. Now imagine you and your cats sitting down to drink the same tea. It turns out—you can!
catnip tea is a herbal tea, or tisane, made from the leaves and flowers of the catnip plant. Catnip’s scientific name is nepeta cataria. It’s also known as ‘catmint,’ but the tea doesn’t have a very ‘minty’ flavour.

Catnip tea has roots all the way back to the middle ages, where you can find it being used as a herbal remedy across Europe. Allegedly it helps headache and sinus pain, digestive issues, and makes you feel relaxed. Having never tried catnip tea before, but being in the midst of a cold, i was happy to volunteer as a test subject for those claims. The first step was acquiring some organic, dried catnip.

Yes, cats can drink catnip tea

I mean, they’ll probably have a lot more fun shoving their head inside the bag of dried catnip you bought to make tea, but heck yes, your cat can drink it, too. Just make sure to cool it down before having tea time with your kitty, and never force your cat to drink anything they don’t want to. This is probably what will happen when you try to get your cat to drink catnip tea. They’ll go for the ‘nip instead.

Catnip tea is not harmful to cats. Similar to how they react with catnip, they will usually refuse it once they’ve had enough.

More teas you can drink with your cat

Yes, it definitely is!
even though it’s often used as a cat treat, catnip is a type of mint and can be treated as a herb.

I make catnip tea the same way I make fresh mint tea — I like to walk out into the garden, snip off some catnip, rinse it off, bruise the leaves a little (to release some flavorful oils) and add hot water. Catnip doesn’t have as quite as much flavour as other mints, so I prefer to mix in other herbs (like mint!), along with a little lemon. Make sure to let the tea steep for at least ten minutes, and then sip and enjoy!.

The post Cats Can Drink Catnip Tea appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post Cats Can Drink Catnip Tea appeared first on GQ Central.


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