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We install the following plugins … Plus MORE!

An EZi Domains Client Conversation

Marketing Plugins Installed ($169.95 Value) on Brand Hosting Packages


Ad Inserter Settings | Deactivate Ad management with many advanced advertising features to insert ads at optimal positions
ads are currently running within the articles as a demo
Classic Editor Deactivate | Settings Enables the WordPress classic editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes, etc. Supports the older plugins that extend this screen.
5X PPPGDPR Cookie Consent Deactivate | Settings | Support | Premium Upgrade A simple way to show your website complies with the EU Cookie Law / GDPR.
Google XML Sitemaps Activated This plugin improves SEO using sitemaps for best indexation by search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and others.
I prefer this sitemap to the one created by yoast, so within yoast it is switched off
Header and Footer Scripts Essential WordPress plugin for almost every website to insert codes like Javascript and CSS. Inserting script to your wp_head and wp_footer made easy.
this is if you want to run Abbas’ overlay system OR enter analytics etc from another company
Pretty Links Developer Edition Docs | Activate | Deactivate Shrink, track and share any URL using your website and brand!
that was already there .. but i would have added it anyways
Q2W3 Fixed Widget Settings | Deactivate Use the fixed widget plugin to create sticky widgets that stay in the visible screen area when the page is scrolled up or down and boost your conversions.
this is currently working on the bottom ad on the sidebar .. very easy to pick and choose what to fix
Schema & Structured Data for WP & AMP Activate | Delete Schema & Structured Data adds Google Rich Snippets markup according to Schema.org guidelines to structure your site for SEO. (AMP Compatible)
this is currently NOT active .. it is a free version and will give you a simple way to add schema to your posts .. but normally, it will only add one type of schems … so … we also installed …
WP Auto Schema Activate | Delete Automated JSON+LD schema generator for WordPress.
this is a pro schema tool developed by Bryant Harper … this normally costs $47 for 2 licences … BUT, I have negotiated with Bryant and I can get a special price of just $17 per licence … this will effectively create up to 4 schemas all at once on total autopilot .. no need to adjust codes or anything .. full auto pro schema 🙂
let me know if you would like it added and I will get you a licence via invoice
ShareThis Share Buttons Deactivate | Settings Grow your website traffic with share buttons for 40+ social channels including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, WhatsApp, and more.
this is activated on your account and optimized for max exposure
Spin Rewriter Deactivate This is the official Spin Rewriter plugin, used by thousands of marketers. It can spin and republish your old posts, or create brand new posts automatically. It also integrates all your WordPress websites directly into your Spin Rewriter account.
you will need to enter the settings, but it is there if you need it
WooCommerce Activate | Delete An eCommerce toolkit that helps you sell anything. Beautifully.
we added this just in case you wanted a store .. not currently active
Wordfence Security Upgrade To Premium | Deactivate Wordfence Security – Anti-virus, Firewall and Malware Scan
Installed & Optimized by Morne
WP Mail SMTP Activate | Delete Reconfigures the wp_mail() function to use Gmail/Mailgun/SendGrid/SMTP instead of the default mail() and creates an options page to manage the settings.
WpContentRanker Deactivate WordPress content ranker
working via an enterprise licence 😉
WPeMatico Deactivate | Settings | Go Perfect Enables administrators to create posts automatically from RSS/Atom feeds with multiples filters. If you like it, please rate it 5 stars
wpematico is an awesome plugin that will bring in rss feeds that take up any slack in you failing to produce ample content
WPNotes Deactivate Show Helpful Questions, How To’s And Other Useful Notes For Your Users To Benefit From While Boosting Your Content Relevancy For A Better Search Engine Ranking. Updated To Integrate Spin Rewriter For Unique Results
you have version 4.01 which is as rare as rocking horse poo … you also have the lifetime enterprise licence installed … this is one of my all-time favourites and allows me to link out to properties in a variety of ways … it is currently ONLY showing on your home page, but if you need to show it on a particular post, then that is also possible 🙂
Yoast SEO FAQ | Premium Support | Settings | Deactivate The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more.
the easiest of them all … 😎

The post EZi Domains WordPress Installation For Marketers … Brand Hosting Experts appeared first on No Excuses Monster.

The post EZi Domains WordPress Installation For Marketers … Brand Hosting Experts appeared first on EZi Domains.



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